Tuesday, June 01, 2004

One Night With The King (Part II)

Hello all. Hello Iren *wink*. I hope you all are doing well. Remember my last post titled 'one night with the king'? Apparently they have the pre-released CD and I bought it last week and it came to my mail today! Yea! The only thing is that they sent me the wrong CD. I ordered the pre-released soundtrack that has 8 songs in it and they sent me Jeannie Tenney's pre-released CD which has only 2 songs in it. So I called them today and they said they are going to send me the soundtrack (I paid for the soundtrack). But I am not that disappointed because the song that I wanted 'One Night with The King' is in Jeannie Tenney's CD too. I've been listening to the song over and over and trying to grasp the real meanings.

I don't know how to post the song in my blog. If anyone knows, let me know so you can hear the song too. Anyway, here's the lyrics.

One Night with The King
by Jeannie Tenney

One night with the king
it changes everything
one day in his course
could forever change my cross
one moment in his presence
and I'll never be the same
one night with the king
it changes everything

One night with the king
it changes everything
one day in his course
could forever change my cross
one moment in his presence
and I'll never be the same
one night with the king
it changes everything

From a peasant to a queen
It have been my destiny
to be chosen for such a time as this
I didn't know that all my dreams
could become reality
until I saw his face, his love after me

One night with the king
Oh, it changes everything
one day in his course
could forever change my cross
one moment in his presence
one moment in his presence
one moment in his presence
and I'll never be the same
one night with the king
it changes..
one day in his course
it changes..
one night with the king
it changes everything

So what do you think? The song is very simple, yet the meaning is deep. The song refers to Esther and how she became a queen. However, we can also personalize the song. This is how I personalize the song.

The king is Jesus. It only takes one night with Him or even one moment with Him to make me realize what I've been missing in my entire life. Meeting Him, forever changes my life. I had plans on what I will do or accomplish in the next ten years. Yes, I am a planner. After meeting Him, what seemed so important before became less or not important at all. My focus in life has changed. It takes only one time meeting Him, one time being touched by Him, one encounter with Him, knowing how much He loves me, it takes only that one baby step to wake me up and realize that He's been there for me all the time.

From a peasant to a queen...Do you know that we are all Christ's brides? We are His queens! He loves us as a king loves his queen. How am I grateful for His love. It has been my destiny - I know that the timing could not have been more perfect when He decided that it's time for me to come back to Him. All my dreams, what are dreams anyway if there is no Jesus? With Him, I am fully satisfied. I know that He wants what's best for me and He will give it to me in His time. He'll know when I am ready to receive the blessings. My dreams came true when I found my home in Him.

Truly, one night with Him, it changes everything.

Can you relate to the song? I will be blessed to hear your stories.


At June 1, 2004 at 11:38:00 PM CDT , Blogger Shenny said...

jadi pengen denger lagunya deh ;) hehee...

eh makasih neng udah baca miranda :)
linknya di http://ceritamereka.blogspot.com kok :) cuma itu kan linknya yg gue post di blog? hehee soalnya tadinya pake arb3i-novel trus gue ganti :)

btw ntar komen loe yg di shoutbox itu gue pindahin aja ke comments yah... hihi... :P

At June 2, 2004 at 11:22:00 PM CDT , Blogger irene said...

wah namaku disebut di doa ibuku *hihi* salah ya? :P namaku disebut di blog kris maksudnya hihih :P nyebut apa nyindirr ni buu *elus2 pake clurit*

bu kris.... aduhh ente kok kalo post smoanya deep2 yee...

pas baca itu terharu loh.. pas baca liriknya, terus pas baca pembahasan ente.. terharuuu bener...

betul, ketemu Tuhan, it changes my life banget.. aku udah bukan yang dulu lagi, begitu kira2. yang temperamental banget (dulu kalo marah bisa sampe banting2 bangku) skarang jadi sangat2 mendingan..; yang dulu iri hatian skarang udah ngga lagi; yang dulu egois, cuma mau diperatiin, skarang udha mulai caring dan belajar giving..; dan banyak lagiiiii deh! ga bisa disebut satu2... soalnya gw udah berubah banyaak sekali, totally.

gw selalu ngerasa idup gw ini tanpa T pasti udah ancur abis2an.. soalnya saya dasarnya ini nakal :P pemberontak :P. tapi kok T sabar yah sama gw?

cintaNya itu yang selalu bikin gw balik.. meski gw sering kali jadi si anak yang hilang.. tapi kasih T, kesabaran, kebaikan Dia, always touch my heart, my life..

One night with the King.. satu pertemuan yang membuat hidup gw telah berubah untuk selamanya. pertemuan dengan Tuhan, changes my life. hiks.. kalo inget, selalu ngebuat gw haru biru.

thanks for the post kris..

At June 4, 2004 at 3:12:00 AM CDT , Blogger The Dreamer said...

waduh keren banget si sis :).. coba2 lagunya di convert ke WMA terus taro di web hosting www.tripod.lycos.co.uk itu bagus juga.. terus dipasang di blog ^^...

aduh pengen denger banget lagunya :)

tapi emang yah.. gw tiba2 jadi inget ttg kasih mula2 dulu yang pas pertama2 banget.. gimana willingnya gw buat cerita ke orang² soal Babeh... gimana berapi²nya gw kalo dibandingin sama sekarang ini -.-.. no, the flame is still burning inside. Tapi nyalanya gaQ sebesar yang dulu ;(..

hmm... ~

At June 6, 2004 at 10:50:00 PM CDT , Blogger The Dreamer said...

T_T .. hix hix.. hari ini koQ gw buka gw pas bisa denger lagunya yah kris... TT.. memberi kekuatan sekali buat gw yang lagih stress exam :(... [hihi.. ga nyambung ama lagunya yah..] ... pas gw denger yang gw dapet... ~hmm.. bwat berserah ama Dia.. T_T.. begitu.. hwa.. gw emang lagih stress banget neh :(

bagus banget lagunya... T_T...

hmm gw jadi pengen beli bukunya... *haaa.. abis exam deh..*

At October 20, 2004 at 1:00:00 PM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHERE did you purchase the CD for the song "One Night With The King"? I heard the song recently and want a copy, but can't find it for sale anywhere. Can you post that information or email me at bloominglori@sbcglobal.net? Thanks!

At October 13, 2010 at 1:55:00 AM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In it something is. Earlier I thought differently, many thanks for the information.


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