Thursday, May 13, 2004

Lakers v. Spurs

Any of you watched the NBA game tonight? If you did not, you have missed the most heart pounding experience ever! There were three or four turnarounds in the last five minutes, even until the last second. The very last shot, the shot that determined who won the game, was made by Derek Fischer (Lakers) when there was only 0.4 seconds left. 0.4 seconds!! I can't even finish a sentence in 0.4 seconds! The final score was 74-73. 74 for Lakers of course! Lakers was leading the game by ten to eleven points during the first three quarters. However, in the last quarter, Spurs somehow managed to make more and more points until they led the game. By that time, it was only one point difference. The tension just grew higher and higher. Until Spurs made another shot in the last three seconds. If you saw the crowds, you would definitely think that Spurs won the game. It was only 0.4 seconds left after all. Do you get the picture? Spurs was definitely 100% sure they had won the game. But no, you never know what will happen next. That final shot took everyone by surprise. Well, a great surprise for me :) I was still hoping that some miracle would happen and indeed, a miracle happened!

This shows me how God is very much in control of everything. Even though it seems like nothing is possible anymore, don't lost hope. You never know. God can do bigger things that you think He can. Don't underestimate Him. He will always give you victory using His supernatural power. So, hang in there. Don't give up yet. Remember how much He loves you. He truly does! I love you too.

Another aspect of this story is, the final shot, the winning shot, was actually made by Derek Fischer, not Kobe Bryant, not Shaq O'Neill, as anyone would expect. Because the Spurs guard both Kobe and Shaq very tightly, it was a good move to have someone else made the shot. Well, I don't know whether that was the original plan or not. Everyone said it was a lucky shot. When interviewed, Derek said, "I know I can made it. It's just everyone will always give it to Kobe or Shaq first." The point is don't overlook someone's capability. When you are looking for a miracle, look at somewhere you never expect.


At May 14, 2004 at 1:42:00 AM CDT , Blogger Diana said...

Kristy!!! I didn't watch the game, and wowww!!! yeah you're right, it was indeed unbelievable, unpredictable, uncomprehendable, --0.4 secs?????? It was indeed, a miracle..... woow..........................


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