Thursday, May 20, 2004

One Night with the King

I've just finished reading a new novel by Tommy Tenney titled "Hadassah - One Night with the King". This is the story of Esther. If you have free time, you should read this novel. It is a great novel. I finished the book in two nights - a hard cover novel. I just could not stop. Anyway, I also heard that they are in the process of making the movie. I heard the song "One Night with the King" which is written by Tommy's wife - Jeannie at TBN. Oh my gosh, it is a very powerful song. Too bad they haven't had the CD yet.

When reading, I came to some parts that really moved me.
You see, Hadassah (Esther) had experienced a lot of grievance throughout her lives and she lost faith in God. Her parents were killed in front of her eyes when she was seven. At one point, she said this to God, "But if you're real, then why? Why did you let these bad things happen to me? Why all the death and loss?" And God answered, "When those horrible things took place, my heart broke with you. I wept for you as strongly as you weep now."

How do you feel knowing God wept with you everytime you cried? How do you feel knowing that God does care about you and He always wants the best for you? God is faithful, He is there for us, ALL THE TIME, in bad times or good times.

Another phrase that I like is, "Esther, always remember that favor can restore in a day what was stolen over a lifetime."
That was said by Mordecai, Esther's cousin who raised her after their families were murdered. He, of course, had experienced the same things as Esther. Yet, through all his troubles, he was still faithful to God and at the end, he had his blessings. So, if you are in troubles, you haven't seen the light yet, know that your dues will come, just not yet. It will come, in His own time.

"One night with the King changes everything." Stay faithful to God!


At May 21, 2004 at 5:55:00 AM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

rightt onn! ameen sis

At May 21, 2004 at 5:55:00 AM CDT , Blogger irene said...

ehh itu tadi si anon teh sayaa ;P

At May 22, 2004 at 12:57:00 AM CDT , Blogger Diana said...

Kristy......... I asked God the same thing like Eshter did....

I'm so surprised, God uses you to tell me this..........

At May 24, 2004 at 3:35:00 AM CDT , Blogger The Dreamer said...

hmm iyah yah? itu novel gitu? :D... aduh kalo filmnya dah jadi pengen banget nonton ... :)..

gimana tuh ceritanya ttg esther semua? :D... jadi sama kaya bible?? ato gimana? :o

At May 25, 2004 at 8:04:00 AM CDT , Blogger Kristy Kusuma said...

Hallo carrot,
met kenal juga..
iya, ini cerita esther like in the bible :)

At May 27, 2004 at 12:36:00 AM CDT , Blogger Charles said...

There's a time for laugh, there's a time for cry
But all are beautifull (in HIS time), by the grace of the LORD.

(Although, most of the time, I don't understand it either)

Salam kenal , nice blog , gimana masukin gambar header spt itu ya ? (been trying but failed)


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