Thursday, December 11, 2003

Loving God

"Loving God brings about a commitment to Him. When you love somebody, you are committed to him in every way. There is nothing that you will not do for someone you love. A real relationship with God enables you to walk in His commandments. God wants to have a relationship with us, and not just when things are going wrong. He desires to have a relationship that touches every facet of our lives. Think about it. How would you feel if your friends and family members called only when there was an emergency? Any other time you didn't hear from them at all. This is how the Lord feels when He has made it possible for us to come into daily, hourly, minute-by-minute relationship with Him - and we don't. We must realize that He is concerned about every detail, every moment, of our lives."

~Juanita Bynum, an excerpt from "Matters of the Heart"~

This passage is meant to remind us again and again to thank God IN everything. It happened to me personally. When I love someone, I will do everything to get to know the person better. However, I did not do the same to the Lord. I admit that it is easier to do it to a person because you can see the person and you will get a respond back from the person. I know that God will respond back to us. Nevertheless, sometimes it is hard to know that it is Him that I do not bother to build a better relationship with Him. I talk to Him everyday, not only when I have a rough day, but through my happiness and my sorrow. The only thing that I always regret is I can not make myself do the things I need to do in order to know Him better or just to have a better relationship, to move to the next level.

Forgive me Father. Will you help me please?


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