Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Do You Judge Others?

"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things." ~ Romans 2:1

I read this verse last night and somehow it just strucked me how we tend to judge other people ALL the time. Why do we have this habit? I think it is human nature to judge the others. We often forget that it is not in our place to judge others. It is God's ONLY privilege.

Often time, we judged people based on our first impression or based on what we heard. Too often we forget, someone's appearance in the outside most often is not the same as who he/she is in the inside. There is a lot of stereotype in the society that worsen the situation. Sometimes people associate the person with the group he/she belongs. We are all different individuals. There are no two people who behave exactly the same way, not even twins. Saying this, we should get to know the person before we make up our mind.

"but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God." ~Romans 2:29
So you see, in order to really know someone, you have to dig deep inside and not only touching the surface. You might be surprised when you find out that what's on the surface is different from what's inside.

Back to the word 'judge', truly, even though someone does something wrong, we should not judge him/her. Instead, think about yourself, have you ever done or almost did the same thing? Maybe you almost did, and you were lucky that God reminded you and you changed your mind. Sometimes, people fell. And I believe that all people have fell, at least once in their lives. Therefore, what right do you have to judge another person?

Whenever you are about to judge others, stop a second and think again, have you ever done or wanted to do the same thing? Have you ever been tempted to do the same thing? Maybe you are strong, but not everyone is. Let God does all things that He is the only One who has the rights to do.


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