Thursday, November 06, 2003

Lessons of Life

What do you do after you make huge mistakes? What do you do when things go unexpectedly? What do you do after you realize that things go wrong because of your own carelessness? What do you do when you want something very badly but your hope is crushed? Will you move on or will you keep it in your mind forever? Will you let the disappointment keep you down? Will you mourn forever? Will you keep blaming yourself instead of letting it go? What will you do?

An advice from someone who is very dear to my heart, "Find the lessons and move ahead." Find the lessons from the events that are transpiring. You should learn something from your failure. Your failure tells something about you that you did not realize. Failure is not supposed to keep you down. It is supposed to build you up. It is supposed to make you stronger and wiser so when it happens again, you are more prepared; so when it happens again, you won't be caught in it.

I know it is hard to let your disappointment go away, especially after knowing that your hope has died. But you can't let it stay in you and drag you further and further down. Sleep with it and wake up in the morning with new feeling and attitude. Learn your lessons. Do what you are supposed to do to prevent it from happening again.

My last advice, pray to Him. Ask Him to give you more strength each and every day. There is a reason why He lets things happened to you. Be grateful that they happened earlier instead of later. He wants to build your character through circumstances. He always does things right, ALL the time. All things are a blessing, good or bad. IN everything, give thanks. May God bless you always.


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