Sunday, October 12, 2003

We Fall Down but We Get Up!

Excerpt of a sermon at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. B.J. Tatum, pastor, on Sunday, October 12th, 2003.

Christian Life is not a playground, but it is a battlefield. Every time God gives you a great opportunity, be ready to expect a great opposition. The devils know that criticisms are one of our weaknesses. None of us like criticism and whenever we encounter one, we tend to be discouraged. However, when an opposition comes, it means we are making a progress. That's when the devil starts working. Therefore, we ought to be encouraged instead of being discouraged when we encounter an opposition. It is the role of the devil to be a discourager.

Devils have a variety of methods in order to defeat and discourage us. If it can keep us discouraged at a sustain level, we can habit in our lives. Discouragement is one of devil's great weapon.

In Nehemiah Chapter 4, we can see:
I. Enemy scorning/ridicule/belittle/make fun
Sanballat (a character in the bible) was upset because the Word of God is moving on. Therefore, he mocked the children of Israel for the great work they were doing. At this time, the devil was using a psychological warfare, a propaganda. The devil belittled the children of Israel. Ridicule is the greatest weapon that the devil use for God's people. The devil's strategy is to make you stop doing whatever you are doing in the Word of God. However, we have the most powerful force on earth - the prayer in the name of Jesus. When you are not delivered, it could be because you are not praying and praising the Lord. Just remember that anytime anyone does something great for the Lord, they will get ridicule.

Sometimes, the very people that you are trying to help, are the one who ridicule and belittle you. It also happens in the family. You have to pray to God about this and not take the matters in your own hand. God will deliver you if you ask Him to. God loves His people, but He hate their sinning actions. Don't expect the world will accept your testimony about how God delivered you. Be strong! He is STILL delivered you right now.

How did Nehemiah handle the ridicule? He took the whole matter to God in prayers. This is the real tough prayers. It is not a personal prayer, but a national prayer. He was praying to God's promises. He knew that God will take care of the opposition. The battle is the Lord's.

I Pet 2:23 said when they left and made fun of you, you don't have to do the same things. Instead, put them in the hand of the Lord. Don't let the opposition stop you from doing what God has asked you to do.

In a project, halfway point is the most dangerous phase. When you begin or start a project, you still have the excitement and enthusiasm. But as you go along and receive criticism, you will lose the excitement. This is the same in relationship. In the relationship, you will need changes and make adjustment. Don't let the initial excitement dies.

II. Enemy Scheming
When you first begin a project, there will only be a few people who will ridicule you. But as you go along, there will be more and more people join with them. The enemy will encircle and surround you, from mockery to military. They will intensify the level. What should you do? Just keep on praying, however you should also watch. Watching and praying go together. Someone is going to ask you questions and you have to be able to articulate and give hope to people who need it.

III. Devil Sustaining/Persisting
In Nehemiah Chapter 4 verse 10, we can analyze and interpret some things:
1. Rubbish - when we are tired, we are prong to discouragement. Because we are worn out physically, we get discouraged easily. Judah, Nehemiah's right hand man, started saying the same thing as what the devils' said. The devils used the word 'rubbish' in verse 2, and Judah was repeating the same word in verse 10. You can repeat saying things enough and you will start believing it. The Israel started believing what the devils told them. To their surprise, they didn't know that that was rubbish that God used. God specializes in rubbish, in taking all stones, and making things out of them. It is just like the process of making a diamond. God can make a diamond out of you. We are a diamond in the rough and God is not through with us yet!

2. Rumours - in verse 11, we can see that rumours started flying.

3. All of this happened because the Israels were living too close to the enemy. You got to watch who you live with. Nehemiah, as the leader, restored the vision of his people. You need to restore the vision to fight for you enemy. You need to get them emotionally involved on the project. He reminded them that the project was for their loved ones, their family too. Don't give up on your families just because they make mistakes.

The main points of this sermon are:
- a soul to battle
- a trial to win
- a trumpet to blow

We can get scattered. We fall down, but we get up!

May God bless us always. My prayers are with you.


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