Sunday, September 21, 2003


"If you haven't had any trials in this world, it means you have been walking the same way as the devil does."

It means because you are walking in the same direction as the devil, or you are doing things that the devil is agree of, the devil doesn't bother to tempt you. What do you think of this phrase?
Many of us have some large trials in lives, however many more of us feel we don't have any trials at all or at least that's what we thought.
God has been so good to me and I am very blessed that I don't have any large trials. However, in the other side, knowing that phrase, it bothers me a lot. It makes me question myself, "Am I walking in the same way as the devil does??" I've been pondering about this a LOT. I am secure in my faith but there is still this little voice keep asking at the back of my mind, am i really a christian?
I've been searching for the answers and I've found it - thanks to my spiritual mother (she's the one who's in the pic with me) I do have trials in life, however they are not big enough that I don't consider them as trials. I struggled through my classes these past two semesters. Well, it's simply because I took more than I could manage. However, God is good. He helped me going through all and I excelled at the end. My family is still not christians and I've been praying for them. That too is a trial, I have to have the patience of waiting for God's answer because I know one day He will make it happens, He will answer my prayers.
See, if we just notice, there are a lot of small trials in our lives. Yes, they are small. But God is so good to us that He won't give us more than we can manage. I know, if He gives me a BIG trial now, I might not be ready for it yet. The time will come when we will have trials large enough that will help us learn and build our strength. So, the main thing here is not to count our trials, but be grateful of what we have. God is good. He has always been good to us. He knows us and He loves all of us. He is God and God alone. He is my God!
If you've been wondering about it like I had, know that you don't need trials to prove that you are a Christian. You always have trials everyday, temptations every second. But God is good that He won't give you a big one until He thinks that you are ready for it. My prayers are with all of you.


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