Tuesday, September 16, 2003

How to Pray?

The following piece that I am going to write is based on the sermon that I heard last Sunday, Sept. 14 at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, with Rev. B.J. Tatum as the pastor. The sermon was from Nehemiah 1:5-11. In this chapter, Nehemiah was praying for the rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall. King Artaxerxes was the only one who can give order whether to rebuild the wall or not. Nehemiah was the king's cupbearer, yet he didn't ask the king. He went to the highest One, the King of kings, God. In this book, we can also see one of the greatest miracle - God used Nehemiah and a small group of people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in a record of time. We can learn how to pray by analyzing how Nehemiah prayed.
1. Adoration. Nehemiah began his prayers by stating his adoration towards Him. He began by saying, "Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God.." THis is also how we ought to begin our prayers, by adore Him, praising Him. God loves praises from His people. Remember, it's all about Him.
2. Confession. You should confess your own sins. It is easier for people to detect other people's sins that their owns. Nehemiah confessed, "both my father's house and I have sinned." It is okay to confess our sins to Him. In fact, that is what He wants us to do. Confess it, then He will forgive you. He wants you to confess everything, be honest to Him. You don't have to worry that He will not love you anymore just because you have sinned. He will love you more knowing that you can be honest with Him.
3. Petition. Then say your requests. Nehemiah reminded Him of His promises. He was also praying for the king, "..in the sight of this man." He knew that only God can change the king's heart. Proverbs 21:1 said "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord." Whenever God gets hold of situation, He does not care whether it's a king or someone else. God has the last word and He can reverse and change the mind.

You may be wondering why i decided to write this article. I believe this is the biggest question that everyone has. How do you actually pray? Is there a right way? Jesus' disciples never asked Him anything explicitly except on how to pray. It is very unlikely that you go through life without problems. As Christians, you have to know how to handle it. Prayer is the key of success. God listens and He WILL answer prayers, at His own time, with His own ways.

Whenever you get a burden, understand why God put it in your life. God wants you to use it to minister to other people, to be a point of connection. You won't be able to lift the burden of someone else until you have felt the burden in your heart or until you understand the depth of the burden and can identify it with yourself. God will never use you greatly until you have suffered greatly.

When you pray, God gets bigger and man gets smaller. The problems will also get smaller. When you get right with God, you will afraid of nothing. We are worshiping in His majesty, the God of universe. Whatever the problem is on earth, there is no panic in heaven. He is still on the throne. He's still up there.

God loves you. He has redeemed you. He has suffered for you. You are His child. You can get an answer. No matter what you are going through, God is bigger. Christians have a great weapon, that is the weapon of prayers. Believe in the power of prayer!

These are just some guidelines. However, I believe you can do it in any way you want as long as you are sincere. There is no perfect prayer. Just remember, it's all about Him.

The Perfect Prayer

I may not know just what to say
Or how to put it into words sometimes.
My tongue gets tied
All the words of other men
Seem to sound so eloquent
Compared to mine.
When my brokenness is all I have to share
I may stumble and stutter, but to You
It's the perfect prayer.

I want to speak words from my heart
But I just don't know where to start sometimes.
What are my lines
I may not please the ear of man
But somehow You still understand
And It's all right.
If I'm honest You will meet me anywhere
And anything I whisper in Your name
Is the perfect prayer.

If I stood and paid You tribute
With a long impassioned speech
It still wouldn't mean as much
As when I fall to my knees.

When my silences are all I have to share
My quiet time I spend in thoughts of You
Is the perfect prayer.

song by: Hilary Weeks


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