Thursday, September 04, 2003

Come Before Winter

from: II Timothy 4:19-22

In verse 9, Paul had asked Timothy to come diligently. Then, in verse 21, Paul increased the intensity. He asked Timothy to come before winter. There were several possible reasons why Paul insisted Timoth to come before winter. It could be because travel was impossible during winter at that time, or maybe Paul knew that he wouldn't be here, in the world, long and his time had almost come.

Two scenarios could have happened at that time:
1. Timothy dropped everything he was doing, got all the things Paul requested and rushed to see him. Then, they read bible together on his last days, or
2. Timothy waited until spring before went to Paul and he was too late - Paul had already gone and Timothy regretted it.

Winter will come. There are 3 things that we can see in this scripture:
I. LIFE'S GRAVITY/cycle of life/statement of life
There are cycles of life and winter is just one of them.
A. Springtime = time of opportunity. Right now we are at springtime.
Key phrase: Springtime = opportunity and we should take advantage of it because if we don't plant in the springtime, we won't reap the results in the fall. Springtime comes before winter. Recession always comes before expansion with regularility. If you have difficulty, you have to look at the future because opportunity is on its way - after difficulty, good time will come.

B. Summertime = learn how to nourish and protect your plants because summer is a lazy hazy day.
Key phrases:
- All good will be attacked in this life
- All values must be defended
- All gardens must be tended all summer because weeds go faster than grass

C. Fall = learn how to reap without complaint - take full responsibility for what happened to your garden. Fall is the time of human maturity.
Key phrase: Acceptance of responsibility is one of the highest form of maturity. If you take responsibility, it is a sign of maturity from childhood to man/womanhood. The only person who can hold you back from growing is yourself. Learn how to reap in the fall without apology - God has decided to bless you. When He blesses you, don't apologize to anybody.

D. Winter = represent the time of disappointment.
Learn how to handle difficulty because they come before opportunity. Winter makes you stronger, wiser, better. Learn to wish for more wisdom and not challenges.

*Springtime is like childhood - it goes by very fast. Summer is like youth, it moves very slowly. Fall is maturity days, when you are working hard and it happens so swiftly.

II. BLESSINGS OF LIFE - life's opportunity
Probably in our lives, there was grave of opportunity - opportunity we had, but we didn't take advantage of. We don't tell people how much we really care/appreciate them until it's too late. So often we take each other for granted.

*A friend is someone who knows all about you but accept you anyway*>

Come before winter - make up your mind that you are going to do something when you had the chance.

III. LIFE'S BASICS - come before winter
'Come' = God's great word to the soul. It is the last invitation in the bible - Rev 22:17. He made it so simple and uncomplicated, just 'come'.

*Come to Him before it's too late. We are at springtime right now and winter is in the corner.

**Preacher: Rev B.J. Tatum, Senior Pastor at Canaan Baptist Church**
**Urbana, IL**

Will you come to Him when you still have time? Or will you add the lists in your grave of opportunity? God will forgive you for all your sins as long as you confess them and bring them to Him. Leave them at the foot of the cross. You can be born again and experience a change.
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." ~Romans 10:9
You have the privilege to be His son and part of His family NOW. When He invites you in, what will your answer be?

May God bless you and keep you safe always. You are always in my prayers.


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