Tuesday, September 02, 2003


Lord, I felt so low
Only pain and sorrow in me
Life seemed meaningless
I did not have the strength anymore
To face all the trials and tribulations
Giving up showed itself as the best choice
‘I can’t do this’ kept echoing in my mind
I was ready to let go
Lord, I cried to you once again
Before I let everything died
Lord, forgive me, I can’t take this anymore

Suddenly I sobbed uncontrollably
When I heard the music
Jesus loves me, this I know
I heard you said
Didn’t you remember the time I answered your prayers
Didn’t you remember the joy you had when life was wonderful
Didn’t you remember the love we’ve shared
Didn’t you know that I would not give you more than you could take
Remember the joy, the love, the peace you had
And know that I am faithful

Memories came back to me
I remember the time I first received You
I remember the joy I had when I had my baptism
I remember Your love to me
I remember the grateful feeling when You answered my prayers
I remember the peace that I had
And I know You are still here with me

Now I realize,
In the midst of it all,
Life is still good
And I hang on to You
Day by day, until this pass
Thank you Jesus
For everything You’ve done for me
I love You

*In the midst of all your troubles, there is always something good in life. Hang on, and you’ll see the sunshine again. Remember that Lord is faithful.

Kristy Kusuma


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