Monday, December 01, 2003

God is good, ALL THE TIME

I talked to my friend today and she told me that her friend was raped few weeks ago. Maybe you would say, "Rape? That's normal. It happens everyday." I agree. However, when I asked her more questions about it, she told me that the victim knew (not personally) who the rapist was. The victim (an African American) went to a majority white populated college and she suffered from racism every day. Not enough with the racism, she was raped. The rapist was white. When I heard this, I just felt so much pain for her, and i personally feel HATE. I have hatred in my heart (which is a little bit unusual I must say). I hate the racism, I hate the rapist, I hate the people. Why did you have to do that? Why? It's just beyond thinking. Don't you have heart? feeling? compassion for others?

When things like this happened, I started questioning, why did God let this to happen? I thought He loves us, His people, then why did He still let this thing happened? I thought to myself, how would I react if this thing happened to me? I don't know how I would react. But I hope that I will still praising God at that time. I know that God has His own plans for us and no one knows what He is thinking, or how He thinks. Therefore, I know, whatever happened, God must know why. And truly, we don't have to know the reason why when it happened. But we will find out later in our lives, when it has impacted us in other areas. Because that is how God works. He uses the circumstances to shape us, to build us, to make us stronger, His people whom He loved so.

I am very impressed with that girl, especially her faith and strength. She actually has started going to college again this week. For you, who read my blog, that has experienced unjustice, know that God has a plan for you. God is good, and He is always good, ALL THE TIME. Keep praying, and forgive yourself and the circumstances. He will bring it to over. Keep praising His name. That's why it is said, "IN everything, give thanks." He loves you and He always will. He gave us His only Son, what more can you ask?

I know it is hard to do it at the beginning, and I know it is easy for me to give you these advices because I have never experienced it. You know, that's what friends are for, to remind you of His goodness. I will keep reminding you of how good He has been to you, despite all circumstances, and when it's my turn to be at your place, I hope that you will remind me too.

Oh, How He Loves You and Me

Oh, how He loves you and me!
Oh, how he loves you and me!
He gave His life, what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you,
Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me!

Jesus to Calvary did go,
His love for mankind to show.
What He did there, brought hope from despair.
Oh, how He loves you,
Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me!


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