Sunday, February 20, 2005

What prompt suicidal thoughts?

Have you ever wanted to kill yourself before? Have you ever attempted to end your life? Do you ever think that it is better if you don't exist in this world? I was walking home and thinking to myself, what made people want to kill themselves?

A friend of mine had baptism today and before her baptism, she gave her testimonies of how she received Christ. Since she was little, she had always been a perfectionist and this trait can either benefit you or harm you. Unfortunately, being a perfectionist is more of a hindrance to her rather than benefit. She was worried and stressed out most of the time. This leads to the sucidial thoughts. Praise God that her love towards her family and her family's love towards her kept her going on. Praise God that her mother detected that she had this suicidal thoughts and she could be helped sooner.

It shows one that everyone needs an emotional outlet. I know people are different, introvert, extrovert, etc. However, we sometimes still need to let out our emotions or thinking. I am an introvert, but I do have one person or two at most, that I can confide on from time to time (I than God for them). You can only keep so much in you and one day you will explode if you do not transfer some of it somewhere else. This is a side point.

Back to my original question, how do people get suicidal thoughts? I am fortunate enough and truly blessed that never once occured on my mind of ending my life. It is just not an option for me. I know that if I decided to do it, lots of people will be hurted and I simply can't do it. After all they have done for me, all the sacrifices, and all of it go to trash? I guess in addition to the grief, it will make them upset too.

My friend, who was baptized today, found her answer in Jesus to her problems. I am glad that she finally found a help and the best one in the whole universe too!

Do you know anyone who has similar story? Are you one of them? If you are willing, please do share your stories. If you need anyone to talk to, I am here for you and most importantly, God is too. He is available ALL the time. Just call His name, and He will be there. He is the most wonderful friend one can ever have. He is the best confidante and He will never let you down. Whatever it is, it will be okay. God loves you and I do too. Trust me on this one. I know.

Be blessed.


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