Sunday, February 20, 2005

What prompt suicidal thoughts?

Have you ever wanted to kill yourself before? Have you ever attempted to end your life? Do you ever think that it is better if you don't exist in this world? I was walking home and thinking to myself, what made people want to kill themselves?

A friend of mine had baptism today and before her baptism, she gave her testimonies of how she received Christ. Since she was little, she had always been a perfectionist and this trait can either benefit you or harm you. Unfortunately, being a perfectionist is more of a hindrance to her rather than benefit. She was worried and stressed out most of the time. This leads to the sucidial thoughts. Praise God that her love towards her family and her family's love towards her kept her going on. Praise God that her mother detected that she had this suicidal thoughts and she could be helped sooner.

It shows one that everyone needs an emotional outlet. I know people are different, introvert, extrovert, etc. However, we sometimes still need to let out our emotions or thinking. I am an introvert, but I do have one person or two at most, that I can confide on from time to time (I than God for them). You can only keep so much in you and one day you will explode if you do not transfer some of it somewhere else. This is a side point.

Back to my original question, how do people get suicidal thoughts? I am fortunate enough and truly blessed that never once occured on my mind of ending my life. It is just not an option for me. I know that if I decided to do it, lots of people will be hurted and I simply can't do it. After all they have done for me, all the sacrifices, and all of it go to trash? I guess in addition to the grief, it will make them upset too.

My friend, who was baptized today, found her answer in Jesus to her problems. I am glad that she finally found a help and the best one in the whole universe too!

Do you know anyone who has similar story? Are you one of them? If you are willing, please do share your stories. If you need anyone to talk to, I am here for you and most importantly, God is too. He is available ALL the time. Just call His name, and He will be there. He is the most wonderful friend one can ever have. He is the best confidante and He will never let you down. Whatever it is, it will be okay. God loves you and I do too. Trust me on this one. I know.

Be blessed.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Tried By Fire

""The main end of life is not to do but to become," F.B. Meyer said. And for this we are being prepared every day. As silver is refined by fire, the heart is often refined in the furnace of sadness. The psalmist said in his sorrow, "We went through fire" (Psalm 66:12).

The refining process may be very painful, but it will not destroy us, for the Refiner sits by the furnace tending the flame. He will not allow us to be tried beyond our endurance; it is for our good.

We may not understand why we have to endure such misery year after year. The ordeal seems endless and pointless. Our days are wasted, or so it appears. We feel as if we are doing nothing of lasting significance.

But God is doing what matters - we are being refined. He is placing us into a crucible in which we acquire patience, meekness, humility, compassion, and the other 'quiet' virtues our souls naturally lack.

So don't be afraid and don't fret. Your present trial as painful as it may be, has been screened through God's wisdom and love. The Refiner sits beside the crucible tempering the flames, monitoring the process, waiting patiently until His face is mirrored in the surface."

by: David Roper
from: Our Daily Bread


Sometimes we tend to forget that He is still watching us no matter what we are doing or experiencing. Whether it is good or painful experience, He is still up there, making sure that it won't be too much for us. It may feel like it is too much, but He knows our strength. You are the living proof. You are still standing after all. God knows, and He does care. Just trust in Him and one day you will understand. God bless.

The Wholeness of God

Some people asked, "If God is a loving God, why did He let all these bad things happened?"

Pastor Tatum said, "We have to look at the full picture of God. We can't just look one side of Him. He is a loving God. But He is also a holy God. Because of His holiness, He will punish them who rejected Him. We can't picture God only as loving because that's only one of His many wonderful characters."

Does that answer your question? It sure does answer mine!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Don't Give Up Yet!

"Statistics say that there are 3 times more likely to commit suicide in the middle of their lives. 40s, 50s, 3 times more likely to get right about the age of the man in this world and quit.

When I was pastoring in West Virginia, one of my son said, son in the gospel came home and opened up the door to the house he and his father stayed together, even though he’s a grown man, he and his father stayed together. He walked in the house and it smelled funny. He flicked the light on, it was red stuff all over the wall. It was blood. It had haunts of stuff in it, washed brain. His father had stuck a pistol in his mouth and blown his brains out and his son found his father dead.

And I never will forget because I was maybe about your age when I preached for that funeral, and I will never forget how that man screamed in that funeral. They couldn’t even open up the casket and I was too young to understand that he wasn’t just screaming for the death of his father. His father pulled the trigger but it blew the son’s brains out too.

Cause what you do to yourself, does affect everybody who loves you.

How could he quit, with me loving him? Did he know that I cared about him? And though my father didn’t kill him for if I did relate to it then I’ll preach at the funeral and bit my lip try not to scream, because when anything like that happen to you, you’ll say "Don’t die yet. Tell me who I am. Lay your hands upon me and tell me who I am. I need you to stay here. Tell me did you love mama? How did you all stay together? Were you happy? Hey daddy, did you ever cheat on mama? If so, why? Daddy, were you happy? And if you weren’t happy, how did you get the strive to get off the bed in the morning? See, I used to think that a boy needs his father but a man does too. " "


T.D. Jakes
'Chapter 7'
Inspired by the Hemotions Book
(from the He-Motions CD)


Whenever we are in deep trouble, it is always easier to look for the shortcut to get out of the problems. We tend to be selfish when it comes to our own problems. Well, it's our own problem after all. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone else. Yet, try to remember all the people who have loved you all these time, who have supported you through your ups and downs. Think on who will be hurted the most if you decided to give up. This story is a good reminder. I need that too, everyday. "What we do to ourselves, does affect those everybody who loves us." It is very true. I forgot about that until I heard T.D. Jakes telling me the story.

Despite all your problems, try hang in there. Know that there will always be a way out for every problem that won't include hurting other people in return.


My Life is in Your Hand
(by Kirk Franklin)

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always

For there's a friend named Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hand and say

I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in Your hand

With Jesus I can make it
With Jesus I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in Your hand
