Friday, January 30, 2004

What If...?

This question came straight to my mind when I was reading mee-a's blog. It's the part when her friend asked her, "What if you love someone deeply, with your whole heart, but that person doesn't love you back as much as you do?"

My question to you: What if we don't love God as much as He loves us? What then?
Anyone has a thought?

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Nothing can and nothing will ever will..

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8:38-39

How can I forget this scripture? It used to be my life verse. I apologize that I haven't updated my blog for quite sometime. I have my reasons. I didn't think that I was in the right mind or shape to spread inspirations. I was at the lowest point of my spiritual life. I have abandoned Him so that I thought I didn't deserve Him and He couldn't possibly want me anymore. So, I will just let it be. However, I am wrong. I was reminded of this scripture by someone very dear to me and I couldn't believe how I could forget this verse. I know that I don't deserve Him. None of us does. But He is God and He is love.

I will be back, real soon...pray for me..

Friday, January 09, 2004

God is The Same, Everywhere..

Well, He is. No matter where we are, He is still God. But then, since I've been home, He seems very far away. The problem is not with Him. It's me. I did not look for Him, I did not even try. Why? Because I am home with my family who is not Christians and the environment is just different. I do feel guilty, all the time. I kept saying I will read my bible tomorrow. But I never did.

Somehow, it is easier if you are in a Christian environment to be faithful to Him. I haven't got any chance to go to church since I left US and I am looking forward to this Sunday. I really need to do something, but I guess I am too weak. In US, most of my friends are Christians and I am always surrounded by then. Hence, it is easy to keep control of myself and my relationship with Him. Now that I am home, there is a lot of things to do with my family and I can't manage to spare some time for Him.

I wonder if it's just me or someone else has the same experience? I do feel guilty. Every night I keep apologizing to Him. I know He loves me, but can I abuse His grace, His love, and His mercy?