Sunday, April 01, 2007


(Kristy Kusuma)
(November 13, 2004)

“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:38-9

Lord, I am stranded in the middle of the desert
I am lost and I don’t know which way to go
I heard a lot of voices telling me what to do
But I don’t know how or where to start
Little by little,
I am losing my focus
I am losing my energy
And I am losing my faith
Somehow there are a lot of other things that interest me more
Sometimes it is easier to give up and just let it go
But somewhere inside me, there is a little voice that says keep fighting
My heart cries because I can’t help myself
How I long to be with You again
How I long to have Your comfort, to feel Your presence near me, to be filled with Your peace
How I long to hear You say You love me
You say “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
You say “When your parents forsake you, I will take care of you.”
You say “I need you to survive.”
You say “I love you.”
Lord, I know that it won’t be an easy road
But I am willing to go through it because I know that You are with me
I know that You will always be by my side
My heart cries because I know You will never give up on me
How I am grateful for Your love
Lord, I am stranded in the middle of the desert
But I am not afraid because I have Your power in me

*It is hard to be faithful. It is hard to keep focusing on Him. It is hard to stand up when you have fallen. However, know that He is still there waiting for you faithfully and He will never let anyone steals you away from Him. We are His and He loves us all.


(Kristy Kusuma)
(May 8, 2003)

Lord, I felt so low
Only pain and sorrow in me
Life seemed meaningless
I did not have the strength anymore
To face all the trials and tribulations
Giving up showed itself as the best choice
‘I can’t do this’ kept echoing in my mind
I was ready to let go
Lord, I cried to you once again
Before I let everything died
Lord, forgive me, I can’t take this anymore

Suddenly I sobbed uncontrollably
When I heard the music
Jesus loves me, this I know
I heard you said
Didn’t you remember the time I answered your prayers
Didn’t you remember the joy you had when life was wonderful
Didn’t you remember the love we’ve shared
Didn’t you know that I would not give you more than you could take
Remember the joy, the love, the peace you had
And know that I am faithful

Memories came back to me
I remember the time I first received You
I remember the joy I had when I had my baptism
I remember Your love to me
I remember the grateful feeling when You answered my prayers
I remember the peace that I had
And I know You are still here with me

Now I realize,
In the midst of it all,
Life is still good
And I hang on to You
Day by day, until this pass
Thank you Jesus
For everything You’ve done for me
I love You

*In the midst of all your troubles, there is always something good in life. Hang on, and you’ll see the sunshine again. Remember that Lord is faithful.

Have you ever googled your name on the internet? I did from time to time and how I'm still amazed that the poem that I wrote a while ago and was on the are posted by other people on the own website. I even saw one in thai! I am just in awe how my work has actually touched some people, enough that they wanted to share it with other people. Well, yes, I wrote it in 2003 as you can see. I haven't been doing anything like this lately and I wish I do. My wish, my prayer is that I will have the same fire as I did before and even more....
p.s. Notice how I use the word 'google' as a verb? :) I think they are big enough that they have created a new word, kinda like bootylicious :P