Thursday, December 29, 2005


The two most important God's commands are first, to love God with all your heart and second, to love other people as you love yourself. What is love?

According to John Stott in his book "Christian Basics - An Invitation to Discipleship", we have a different view of love than God. "What we call love is usually eros, the desire to obtain and possess, whereas God's love is agape, the desire to give and to enrich. To love is to sacrifice oneself in the service of others, and where there is neither sacrifice nor service there is no love. To love God is to become absorbed in His will and glory; to love others is to become engrossed in their welfare."

So, which kind of love have you been pracitising? Eros or Agape?

Merry Christmas everyone. May this joyous and glorious day brings happiness, peace and love to all of us. May we be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, that is Jesus Christ died for our sins.

Happy Birthday Jesus
Publisher: 1996 Word Inc, Nashville TN

Happy Birthday Jesus
I'm so glad it's Christmas
All the tinsel and lights
and the presents are nice
But the real gift is You
Happy Birthday Jesus
I'm so glad it's Christmas
All the carols and bells
make the holiday swells
And it's all about You
Happy Birthday Jesus
Jesus I love You!