Saturday, November 27, 2004

I was browsing through some of my old postings after abandoning my blogger for quite a while and I was pretty surprised with what I read. Most people tend to forget what they wrote in the past especially if their lives are changing. What you wrote usually depends on the mood or circumstances you are in.

I know that as a Christian, there is always a point where you will just slack off in your spiritual life. I have been for quite some time now. I spent some time with a friend who I haven't seen this semester and she told me that she is not very spiritual these days. She hasn't been to church as often as she used to and I told her that people go through those phase in their lives. But that's not an excuse to do it. I haven't been writing lately because I just don't have any inspirations to write.

When I was reading my old post, I was surprised that I was the one who wrote all those stuffs. I was suprised with how excited I was with my belief. Don't ge me wrong, I still am now, even though it's not as excited as I want it to be. I need to passion to burn inside me again. I missed those days. I missed the excitement of writing all these entries with hope that other people will get blessed. I am truly grateful that my writings have been a blessing for some people. I am truly humble that He uses me to bless other people. I really want to start again. Please bear with me in this journey. Undoubtly, you will find some days where I will be abstain, but don't doubt that I will return.

May God bless all of us.



“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:38-9

Lord, I am stranded in the middle of the desert
I am lost and I don’t know which way to go
I heard a lot of voices telling me what to do
But I don’t know how or where to start
Little by little,
I am losing my focus
I am losing my energy
And I am losing my faith
Somehow there are a lot of other things that interest me more
Sometimes it is easier to give up and just let it go
But somewhere inside me, there is a little voice that says keep fighting
My heart cries because I can’t help myself
How I long to be with You again
How I long to have Your comfort, to feel Your presence near me, to be filled with Your peace
How I long to hear You say You love me
You say “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
You say “When your parents forsake you, I will take care of you.”
You say “I need you to survive.”
You say “I love you.”
Lord, I know that it won’t be an easy road
But I am willing to go through it because I know that You are with me
I know that You will always be by my side
My heart cries because I know You will never give up on me
How I am grateful for Your love
Lord, I am stranded in the middle of the desert
But I am not afraid because I have Your power in me

*It is hard to be faithful. It is hard to keep focusing on Him. It is hard to stand up when you have fallen. However, know that He is still there waiting for you faithfully and He will never let anyone steals you away from Him. We are His and He loves us all.

~Kristy Kusuma~