Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Need...such a powerful word. Most of the time we didn't realize that we can't survive on our own. We always always need something. We need food to survive. We need other people in our lives. But most importantly, we need God. It's always a temptation to think that you do not need anyone or anything, that you can survive on your own. But it's not true. You think that you are strong. But deep down inside, you know that you can't do anything without His help. You think that you can manage on your own. How wrong you are that you didn't know God was always behind everything that you've accomplished. I do need God and I am not ashamed to admit it. I am truly grateful for His amazing love.

Beside God, we also need each other. We are created as a social person and we are always connected to other people.
I need you....
you need me....
we're all a part of God's body
stand with me
agree with me
we're all a part of God's body
it is His will
that every need be supplied
you are important to me
I need you to survive.......